Artificial Intelligent (AI) is already taken our place on earth and it has already begun few years back. AI has collected our data and accumulating and they know all about you than yourselves.
Soon our world will become digital globally and will be controlled by AI. The question is WHO controls them the AI?
Well it's the elites of course. And who are the elites? And who control the elites? Think about a pyramid, we the normal people are all at the bottom alias the slaves. We have no control of our lives, we are being programmed since birth and become slaves without even knowing it.
The only way to freedom in this current situation is to live with nature. No mobile phones, no wifi, no satellite tv, stay away from all digital devices and chips.
Unfortunately it is too late to fix the slavery situation now as humans are already getting so disconnected from nature! Yeah this sure will kill us!
AI..What are these stupid military robots for? It's not like we are fighting aliens or anything. Are we so determined to make weapons so powerful and unstoppable just to kill and control other human beings? The fact that we are so driven to murder each other seems to be the real issue. We've got some evil evolutionary baggage to deal with. And in fact that there is still no drinking water in many parts of the world.
You all thought that Terminator in 1984 was just a movie? Well think again! You know, that The Matrix is not a movie but actually a documentary.
Think of Skynet, that is AI soon it will become a reality.