
Article From OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Saturday, June 22, 2019
Dr Mahathir, please stop the bullsh_t about Maths, Science in English, religious overeducation etc. Your Minister of Education does not give a sh_t about what you say.

Education is perhaps the biggest failure of the government thus far - both the BN governments and the present Pakatan government. It looks like nothing is going to change.

Dr Mahathir has been promising Maths and Science in English for a long time. However, the PH Manifesto disease (jangan percaya apa yang kami janji) has also infected the promises over Maths and Science in English.

They are just more empty promises.

Here is Dr Mahathir talking about the problem of too much religion in the schools and the importance of English, including the teaching of Maths and Science in English.

Link :

But here is the latest news (its actually already well known) where the Minister of Education says that there will be no teaching of Maths and Science in English.

Conclusion :

This Maszlee fellow really does not give a hoot about what Dr Mahathir says.
And it appears that Dr Mahathir too cannot do anything about him.
(There is another 'godfather' watching Maszlee's 'backside').

The Prime Minister says one thing (about education) and the Minister of Education says something else.

Can Dr Mahathir's boys please tell him to stop bullsh_tting us about Maths and Science in English, about too much religion in schools etc.

It is not going to happen.

Dr Mahathir is just making empty statements.

The children of the Malay elites will get private education, the few who are scorers will get absorbed into the sekolah asrama system (and still become dunggus).

The rest of the Malay kids can become food delivery 'Mat Rempits'.
Its the fastest growing career choice.

So let me repeat it ok. Dr Mahathir should just stop bullsh_tting Malaysia about the teaching of Maths and Science in English, reducing the overdose of religious education in sekolah kebangsaan etc.

It is not going to happen. Maszlee can just ignore what you say.
So can you please stop making more empty statements about it.

Syed Akbar Ali at 9:48:00 AM

AnonSaturday, June 22, 2019 10:14:00 AM
Tun m is being encircled by people who are so dumb that the dictionary needs to find another word for it.

If people follow religion without asking why, why can't you just follow what tun m said and learn


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 10:25:00 AM
Disagree on teaching Maths & Science in English

Instead bring back English -medium schools.

As a start, let pre-World War 2 schools like Penang Free Scool, King Edward, Victoria Institution and MCKK convert back to English medium schools like they were used to. Not enough teachers? Invite in Peace Corps. No curiculum? Use Singapore, US or UK curiculum . The concept of Thermodynamics, Calculus and Meiosis is the same the world over.

Those parents who dont want it can send their kids to Malay, Chinese or Indian schools

MRSM already used English as a medium.!!! Why not the rest of the population?


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 10:39:00 AM
Mana boleh semua orang pandai, siapa nak jadi kuli ?


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 11:17:00 AM
What's the use of teaching Maths when Madey himself cannot count?

“The time is not very specific,” Mahathir said at the Bloomberg Asean Business Summit in Bangkok yesterday when asked about the time frame for handing over power.

Uncertainty continues to loom as Mahathir hangs on to power, distracting the coalition from tackling rampant corruption, decades-long affirmative action policies and a slowing economy.

The ruling coalition is “too focused on politics rather than reforming institutions”, said Awang Azman Awang Pawi from Universiti Malaya. He said that Mahathir is not much different from his first stint as prime minister from 1981 to 2003, when he was criticised for muzzling the media and political opponents."

The markets hate uncertainty.

They are reacting to it.

Our ratings are under severe threat.

If Liwat is a bad choice and Azmin is a goner, then (a) choose someone else, or (b) just declare you are serving a full 5 years.

This "neither here, neither there" stance is actually damaging Malaysia day by day.

So what's the point, exactly?


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 11:27:00 AM
There is another 'godfather' watching Maszlee's backside???


If Madey wants this useless bugger Maszlee gone, he'll be gone.

The old man is just too stubborn to admit he made a mistake. This is a life-long flaw in Madey. We all know it.

The only hope in hell for PH now is to completely revamp the Cabinet under a new PM. And start performing ASAP. Madey needs to pave the way in the next 6 months. But, if up to yesterday Madey was still saying Liwat is taking over, that leaves him with little room to wriggle out of the promise.

If Liwat is not going to be PM, then expect him to run crying to PASUMNO to forge an alliance with his faction of PKR.

(If Liwat does become PM, then within a year Madey will launch a campaign to remove him.)

The combo of PASUMNO & half of PKR may conceivably win PRU15.

So your future will be charted after 2023 by....

Rosmah Mansor, Hadi Ada-Wang and Rear Admiral.

That's the end of Malaysia.

Start making plans to move overseas today.


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 11:29:00 AM
PM in waiting is PM in operating.Mazlee is one of the brotherhood who asked to join bunga raya.


UnknownSaturday, June 22, 2019 11:45:00 AM
I guess his iron fist partly melted. Need to make a one.


Lee LeeSaturday, June 22, 2019 11:49:00 AM
I do not think he is bullshitting !!! He has totally no convictions to make any changes at all in the education system. He knows that perpetuating it through Maszlee who, devoided of intelligence and clouded by religious inclinations,helps Mahatir in his political posturing. Mahatir always talk diffrently from what he wants to do. He is just another chamelion like the one whom you like to call brader !! Funny that now, it seems that corrupion is viewed as only one of the many lesser factors that ills the nation but the biggest concern of all that will lead the country to a disaster is the quaity of leaders. We are now flooded to the brim with the self serving politicians who without an iota of morality and integrity to chart the nation back to course. All in the guise of caring and concerns speeches which are at a zero value. It is known that any leaders of the past from both political divide helming the nation administration will only stifle it from surging forward. We need young aggressive leaders who are not associated or obligated to both UmnoBNPAS or PH. A new younger party should be formed to take over from all these old charlatan leaders.


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:00:00 PM
When we have NUTS running the country this happens. To politicians they want to be in power. Votes matter. This is the problem. We cannot change the mentality of our people - the majority.


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:02:00 PM
Tipu Wajib.


Alfred gnana rokiamSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:04:00 PM
The tide has turned. 30 million Malaysians (that includes you too tuan syed) felt for the desperate words of a 93 year old grandpa who promised us salvation. Lets hope he doesnt die in office leaving behind mess that will take anothet 60 odd years to clear. God save this country


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:20:00 PM
Agama padang pasir dan Melayu tak boleh berpisah. Kenapa tidak guna bahasa arab sahaja utk mengajar matematik dan sains? Melayu mungkin tak komplen lagi. Biar Melayu dan bukan Melayu yang nak maju ke depan guna bahasa omputih utk belajar mat dan sains.


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:24:00 PM
The cost of education is just too much as the bani melayooo are breeding too many melayu kids causing the govt to literally give up on funding the education system.

Perhaps the policy is to let the whole system sink and let the ones who can afford go to private schools. Almost all Chinese kids go to Chinese schools anyway and Malay elites send their kids to international schools. Maybe mot a bad idea Let the Melayoos be stupid...dumb...and wither away in this tech era....


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:28:00 PM
We waste so much taxpayers money on education system that churns out unmarketable masses, racists and bigots. The youngsters are wasting so much of their lives learning irrelevant stuff. Feel sorry for them but don't know how to fix the situation.


jordanSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:29:00 PM
The illiterates of the twenty first century are not those who cannot read and write, but thise who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.
Alvin toffler


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:33:00 PM
PAS hoping their supporters have severe otak kat lutut syndrome.....

The fact that your Dedak Cartel took Umgnok money is beyond dispute lah, kawan.

Even Hadi Bawang chickened out of his SR lawsuit once the audio recording emerged.

Umgnok's cash was stolen from many sources, not just 1MDB.

Umgnok's cash, wherever it came from, is Najis Mughallazah.

Don't be a hypocrite.


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:37:00 PM
The rich Malays will continue to educate their children in English so they can lord over the dumb Malay-educated Malays. While the Chinese will scrap every Ringgit to send their children into English private education, Later these children will go overseas for their tertiary education oversea, stay and work after graduation and bring their parents along in the later stage. Don't kid ourselves that PH or BN will make any significant change to the Islamized education system.


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:43:00 PM
english no good, go arabic good good, can go heaven.


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 12:58:00 PM
"There is another 'godfather' watching Maszlee's 'backside'"

Let's expose this circle. I'm curious.


Here's a question to DBP, Malay language zealots and perhaps even Rais Yatim :

How many scientific, mathematical and technical works have you translated into Bahasa Melayu? If you truly want to "memperkasakan Bahasa Melayu", a massive effort for the above would have been highly visible (and ongoing) and those works made widely available in Malay.

Where are they? Makan gaji buta?

Or is your "merperkasakan Bahasa Melayu" is a mere political plaything, seperti melepas batuk ditangga. You limit the ability for the rakyat to gain knowledge by "banning" English but yet turn into a brainless fool when it comes to how to solve the issue. The simple reason why the Japanese has been able to progress with their use of Japanese is because they put a lot of effort into translating foreign works into Japanese.

You don't even do what Japan did and expect the population to progress?
What unbelievable stupidity.


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 1:49:00 PM
No need. We need to teach Maths, Science in Arab. What for change to English? Want our student going to hell with kafir language? /s.


JeffreySaturday, June 22, 2019 2:06:00 PM
Like i said before take your pick kangkong nation or shithole. Soon Vietnam will pass kangkong nation aka shithole.


AnonymousSaturday, June 22, 2019 2:20:00 PM
,how to develop really ? human intellects naturally needed to manage nation - now obedience to head-leader becoming an option. Odd.


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About Me
Syed Akbar Ali
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E mail : Professionally in descending historical order a Blogger, Advisory Panel - Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission, businessman, property developer, author (three books todate), company director, newspaper columnist, NEAC economic consultant and banker. Also less erratic TV appearances and political analyst. Main interest: Malaysian peoples' scientific, industrial, economic and social advancement. Everything else is disposable.
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Concession" On Toll Concessions - Insulting The Common People

OutSyed The Box

Sunday, February 24, 2019
"Concession" On Toll Concessions - Insulting The Common People

The way this toll thing is being handled is perfectly reflective of how the country's economy has been messed up and screwed up.

Monopolies are involved. Malaysia is the only country in the world where the government(s) and their sychophants insist that monopolies are very good for you. It reminds me of this old ad for Guinness Stout.

Macam itu juga monopoli pun 'baik untok kita'.

This can become a new branch of economics - we can call it Malaysian Auta Economics. Maybe one day someone here will be awarded that "becoming even more elusive" Nobel Prize for discovering 'Malaysian Auta Economics'.

There have been some statements about the toll operators and the toll concessions over the past few days. The Semenyih elections are less than 10 days away. More incoherent pronouncements and announcements will be heard between now and then.

Folks, just like before, there are government sanctioned monopolies involved.
So you do not stand a chance.

Big corporates are involved in the toll roads - from the old crony connections.

If there are any goodies to be dished out, they will get taken care of first.
You and I will come last.
The Civil Servants who look for post retirement "directorships" in big companies are involved, in one way or another.
They have vested interests and you cannot trust them.
The peoples' interests, the interests of the economy as a whole is being put in the tong sampah.

I am referring these two reports in The Star and making my comments as I go along.

Rough road ahead for govt, say highway operators
govt has to navigate tough terrain to lower or abolish toll say concessionaires

(OSTB : Well of course that is what they will say. These are toll operators. They want to extract the maximum amount of 'compensation' from us the taxpayers.)

An official said no clauses in agreement to reduce or abolish toll charges
concessionaires have loans to service and other bills to pay
government cannot force them to abolish rates without compensation
compensation issue would definitely come into play.
Does country have enough money to compensate operators ?
the amount may run into billions?”

OSTB : I dont believe these buggers. The biggest elephant in the room is PLUS. To give you an idea of their twisted sense of entitlement - because that is what it is - they say they are the largest toll operator in South East Asia, and number 7th or 8th in the world. WRONG. They are the largest toll monopoly in South East Asia - they are the largest toll oppressor that makes the people poorer in South East Asia.

The concession went from 33 years plus another 12 years = 45 years !! (You can read it here.

Here is some trivia about the N-S Highway.

Of the 870 km or so of the North South Highway, the government built 370km at a cost of RM3.32b.
The land acquisition costs were fully borne by govt.
That is 42% of the N-S Highway.

UMNO company UEM (at that time) built the remaining 500km for RM3.5b.
Again the land acquisition cost was fully borne by the government.

Then the government even funded half (RM1.65b) of UEM's initial budget of RM3.5b.

Wow!! Baiknya kerajaan kita.

I recall the first round of financing for the N-S Highway was over RM1.0 billion.
Then there was a cost overrun and the second round of financing was about another RM2.0 billion, give or take a billion in total.

And the loans did not go beyond 15 years. This means the majority of the PLUS loans should have been paid off by about 2010. Hutang besar sudah bayar lah.

The whole highway did not cost more than RM9.0 billion for UEM / PLUS. Even if they had to repay the RM3.5b to the government for that 370km stretch (I doubt they paid back anything).

Then .. jeng ..jeng .. jeng .. listen to this. This is from 2007.

This is a Press Statement by YB Lim Guan Eng about Samy Velu claiming that the toll highways were worth RM500 BILLION !! Ayoyo Samy !

Datuk Samy Vellu must prove that he is telling the truth that it would cost the government RM 500 billion to buy over all highway companies when Plus Expressways Bhd's(PLUS) concession assets amount to only RM 8.8 billion in 2005

Press Statement

by Lim Guan Eng

(Petaling Jaya, Tuesday): Works Minister Datuk S. Samy Vellu must prove that he is telling the truth that it would cost the government RM 500 billion to buy over all highway companies when Plus Expressways Bhd's (PLUS) concession assets amount to only RM 8.8 billion in 2005. DAP can not understand how Samy arrived at this RM 500 billion to buy over all the highway companies when the construction cost of PLUS, the largest concessionaire which operates the North-South Highway, is only RM 8.8. billion.

The Star reported on 10 February 2007 that ,

"As at end 2005, Plus Expressways Bhd had RM8.8bil in concession assets. This mostly comprised expenditure (including interest charges) to build and upgrade the expressways and represented almost 99% of its non-current assets."

PLUS only spent RM 8.8 billion to complete the North-South Highway due to two reasons. One, a portion of it was already built and completed by the government and simply handed over to PLUS. Two, PLUS was completed in the 90s' when construction cost and materials was much cheaper and had not risen many times as now. Clearly PLUS has benefited greatly from such preferential contracts.

OSTB : Here is a 2010 study conducted by MAMPU on the total cost of taking over all the toll higways:

A 2010 study by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit estimated overall costs to take over all highways in the country to be RM383.3bil.

That total comprised costs to take over the highway concessionaires (RM45.2bil) and costs to abolish toll collection (RM338.1bil).

OSTB : This does not make sense. Of the RM383 billion, the highway concessions themselves only cost RM45.2b in total.

However a super extra RM338.1b is needed to abolish toll collection (compensate for loss in revenue lah) !! Banyak cantik.

So the N-S Highway cost a total RM8.8 BILLION.
Debt financing would not have exceeded RM4.0 Billion.

And jeng..jeng..jeng, for your information folks, when PLUS was listed its highest Market Capitalisation on the stock market never went beyond RM25 Billion.

This means if the government had RM25 billion, they could have just bought over the entire PLUS for RM25 billion.

Plus the government is still the major shareholder in PLUS.

So how did you get RM338 billion, RM500 billion (ok ok for all 29 toll companies) when your market capitalisation for PLUS (for example) never went beyond RM25 billion??

PLUS is the single largest toll operator.
The other 28 are kuchi rat toll operators.
Are you saying the kuchi rats are worth RM238b - RM25b = RM213 BILLION ??
Or RM500b (Samy Velu's figure) - RM25b = RM475b ??
Are you all also Malay Studies graduates?

Dec 12 last year, government froze toll hikes for 21 highways
paid RM972mil compensation

no toll for motorcyclists along Penang Bridge, Second Link RM20mil

freeze toll hikes for Class 5 vehicles and buses on eight highways.
cost government RM1.68mil annually

MRCB rec­eived RM1.325bil settlement for JB East­ern Dispersal Link Expressway.

A 2010 study by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit estimated overall costs to take over all highways in the country to be RM383.3bil.

That total comprised costs to take over the highway concessionaires (RM45.2bil) and costs to abolish toll collection (RM338.1bil).


OSTB : Ok there are legal structures.
The government is the largest shareholder in PLUS.
And the government has the power of legislation.
The government can pass laws.


The government can build new alternative highways.
Or just 'announce' the building of new highways.
Or build flyovers and add extra lanes to existing roads to be as good as or better than the toll highways.
The toll operators will immediately get on their knees.
Jangan main. I would do this.

The government can introduce special taxes for the toll road companies.
Cannot? Why cannot?
The government has special taxes on gambling (Genting), cigarettes and liquor.
So what is so special about the toll operators?

Want to be more nasty?
The government can levy a 'revenue tax' on toll highway operators.
(Again if we can levy special taxes on cigarrettes and liquor, then we can levy special taxes on toll operators)

Then take these tax receipts and use it to compensate for lower tolls.
No one will rugi. No one will commit suicide.
That is rule no. 1.

But long, long before that do you know what will happen?
Those arrogantly stupid figures like RM338 billion, RM500 billion etc will come tumbling down. That is what will happen.

Dont play-play with the power of the government.
But only if it is a good government.
If the government is also populated by pirates, then this will not work.
The people will get screwed.
This is what is happening now - under the Pakatan government.
Do read on.

Here is more news from The Star.
About insulting the common people.

Christmas coming very early for Gamuda.

Government talks with Gamuda to negotiate acquisition of four highways
(LDP), (SPRINT), (KESAS) and SMART Tunnel.
Upon successful takeover Govt intends to abolish existing toll

(OSTB : On these four highways. What about the N-S Hiway?)

However, “congestion charge” equivalent to existing toll during 6-hour “peak” period
“off-peak” periods 11pm - 5am, travel on highway for free
other ‘normal’ travelling hours, discounts up to 30% compared to existing toll
“congestion charge” used for operations, maintenance, repay borrowings


(OSTB : So what happened to Baru Bian's toll concession study supposed to be ready by June 2019? Baru Bian the Works Minister has been short circuited.

My point is - if the government wants to, the government CAN SHORT CIRCUIT ANYTHING.


And which highways are we talking about here?






But .. .. .Alamak !! Its back to square one isnt it?

First you take taxpayers money and give Gamuda an early Christmas present.

Then you get the taxpayers to suffer "congestion charge" aka suffer the same toll rates - FOR SIX HOURS DURING PEAK PERIODS DAILY.

YAB / YABhg / YB / whoever lah - its like this ok.

School starts at 7 am.
Parents send their kids to school about that time.
That is why it is called the PEAK PERIOD.

Parents are not going to wake up their children at 4 AM and send them to school BEFORE 5 AM JUST TO AVOID PAYING TOLL on the Gamuda highway !!



Government offices start work at 8 AM.
The private sector starts work at 9 AM.
Banks open at 9:30 AM.

There is no point for Civil Servants, private sector employees, business people who have banking matters to do - to start traveling before 5 AM just to NOT pay toll. Jabatan kerajaan tak buka sehingga 8 PAGI. Businesses start at 9 AM. Banks open at 9:30 AM.

Then you are saying these people will still pay PEAK PERIOD TOLLS - 'CONGESTION CHARGES'.

So as far as the rakyat is concerned there will be no change.
They still suffer the same tolls at PEAK PERIODS.

“off-peak” periods 11pm - 5am, travel on highway for free

(OSTB : Thank you very much. Have you informed Count Dracula? I am informed that Count Dracula usually travels between these times. He will be most happy and will certainly vote for you at the next elections. I have no wish to join Count Dracula. For a simple reason - between 11pm and 5am I am usually asleep at home.)

other ‘normal’ travelling hours, discounts up to 30% compared to existing toll

What is the meaning of this "up to 30%" ?
5%? 10%
Does this apply to the N-S Highway?
Please answer Yes or No?
That is the biggest elephant in the room.


The real issue is company valuation.
How much do you value these toll operators?

The toll operators are possibly using simple arithmentic.
My net +ve cashflow is say RM1.0 B per year.
My concession ends in 2030 - 11 years away.

So 11 yrs x RM1 billion = RM11b.
Plus my assets RM8b = RM19b.
Throw in a premium = RM5.0b
Throw in my debts = RM xx
Total say = RM24++ billion.

This is where THREE factors have a big say in HOW TO VALUE THESE TOLL OPERATORS

1. Please refer my list of NASTY THINGS the government can do.
2. The government is the largest shareholder (in PLUS)
3. Where do the pirates sit? Inside government, outside government, one foot here, one foot there?

The issues become clearer when the peoples' interests take pre-eminence.
Obviously they are not.
Syed Akbar Ali at 10:16:00 AM
1 comment:

AnonymousSunday, February 24, 2019 10:23:00 AM

Apa punya news la... patutnya waktu orang pergi kerja la bagi tol free. Ini waktu orang pergi clubbing kau bg free tol !!


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About Me
Syed Akbar Ali
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E mail : Professionally in descending historical order a Blogger, Advisory Panel - Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission, businessman, property developer, author (three books todate), company director, newspaper columnist, NEAC economic consultant and banker. Also less erratic TV appearances and political analyst. Main interest: Malaysian peoples' scientific, industrial, economic and social advancement. Everything else is disposable.
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When People Do Not Know What Is Bad For Them By OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Monday, February 11, 2019

There is so much crap in this world. There is crap everywhere.
There are many kinds of crap. Two examples are permanent crap and temporary crap.

Temporary crap could be a situation that you got yourself into (a career choice, wrong employer, bad business decision, weak economic condition, wrong choice of life partner, wrong choice of friends, trouble causing family / relatives etc). These things are all 'temporary' in nature - or should be temporary in nature - provided you know how to work your way out. Or you know how to find a solution. In other words solutions exist. That is what I call 'temporary crap'. There is a way out.

My first business venture started 30 years ago. It took off with a bang. Then an anchor tenant where I was located went bust and the business died in that area. I could not move location because I was short of capital. I was also alone - my wife was attending university and was also busy taking care of our young family at that time.

No big deal. Youth was still on my side and I saw what I had to do. I simply plotted my way out. There was a solution and I could see the solution. So I went back to work in banking and stuck with a banking career. But I always had my eye on business. It took us 10 years to reorganise our capital and resources and get into business again. We started our gold jewellery business in 1998 and this time my wife was fully involved. From there we went on to do property plus I also continued with my own corporate career. Then writing books also was an added bonus - which I did not expect. Now youth is not on my side but there are still plenty of things to do. Plus you can be Prime Minister at age 93.

Ok lets get back to talking about crap again. Permanent crap is also about the same as that list of temporary crap I have mentioned above. However you must add religion to permanent crap. In my personal view religion is satanic. Ajaran syaitan par excellence. But permanent crap becomes permanent crap ONLY when YOU (yes I am referring to you) do not know HOW to get yourself out of the permanent crap.

Your situation (yes I am referring to you again) becomes worse - becomes entombed in crap as hard as concrete - when

a. you do NOT KNOW that you are stuck in permanent crap
b. when you think that the permanent crap that you are stuck in is your god's gift to you.

You are actually in very deep shit. That is being stuck in real permanent crap with no way of you being able to crawl out of this crappy situation.

It is conventional wisdom that 'the customer knows best'. I do not agree with this at all. The customer rarely knows what is best or even what is good for them. If you do not believe me just count ALL THOSE things that you bought that :

1. you really do not need, they are just lying around your house
2. do not work or do not produce the results that you thought they would. (I bought a motorised tiller - to break up the soil in our garden, but our soil is clay soil and hard as concrete. The motorised tiller just bounces off the hard clay. Never mind we can use it on our compost heap - to toss it over.)

So the customer (or consumer) rarely knows best. This is my view. A good product becomes successful because the inventor, manufacturer or engineer just happened to hit on the right design or right recipe and taste.

In the same way, to justify a democracy the saying goes that 'the voters always know best'. This is a highly disputable statement. What the voter thinks is best for them may not even be good at all for humanity. It could even be evil (meaning really bad).

The voter will only know best if

1. the voter is sufficiently educated to think critically and logically
2. is not frightened by 'negative repercussions'
3. does not believe in black magic
4. does not believe in hocus pocus religion
5. does not believe in satanic religion
6. is not swayed too much by racial and religious prejudices

Can you find such a voter in Malaysia ? There are not enough of such voters. So the voters actually do not know what is best for them.

This is where we need absolutely good and capable leadership. Those with fake degrees and others who support or defend people with fake degrees are just not leaders. They are just fools.

We need leadership that has good principles and good moral values that are universal. One example of a good moral value is to know that faking a university degree or defending a fake university degree is an immoral thing to do.

If you are still confused about this very simple point, on top of your beliefs in superstition, blackmagic and satanic religion - then you are just a vampire that has escaped from hell. Sadly there are many of you in this country and in this world.

While poor Buffy is just one person.

This walkabout was triggered by a comment in the earlier post :

Anonymous said...

"With a systematic agenda that is pro-rakyat" ... “reform”?

Let's not talk about "reform" to gain rural Malay votes. It won’t work. They don't understand what reform is all about. They will vote for you if they are fed with money. The super moron was doing this. It’s still “money talks” to many of these folks.

Umno and PAS can forget Sabah and Sarawak.

Be smart in politics. For PH to win big, re-delineate the electoral boundaries. This must be done before the next GE. MUST. Many of the constituencies are presently disproportionately represented. Tony Pua has over 150 000 voters in his constituency (split into 3 or 4). There are constituencies having less than 30 000 voters to favour BN before the GE14. This is just absurd.

Monday, February 11, 2019 12:17:00 PM

Note this point : They don't understand what reform is all about.

I think this is a prime example of being in a "permanent crap" situation. They do not even know they are stuck in the crap.

In an earlier post where I complained (again and again as I have been doing since 1995 or earlier) that we are paying three or four times the world market prices for cars. Meaning that is NOT A GOOD thing to do.

One commenter said that lowering the prices of cars would only increase the number of cars on the roads. The commenter was obviously happy or not concerned that Malaysians are paying three or four times the world market prices for their cars and vehicles. These are the people in that permanent crap situation. They cannot even begin to understand that they are in permanent crap.

Paying market prices for cars and vehicles will NOT increase the number of cars on the roads. A husband and wife living in an apartment with just one parking spot are not going to buy a second or third or fourth car just because car prices are more realistic and reasonable. They will have to pay extra road tax, pay extra for service, maintenance, car wash etc for the extra cars. They will still make do with just one car. The difference is that for the same amount of money they have been forced to pay they will now own a bigger, better quality and safer car. Instead of paying RM1000 per month for a tin can, they can now own an Accord or a lower end Mercedes Benz. That is the difference.

Cik Minah who runs her nasi lemak stall from the back of her Nissan Vanette is not going to buy TWO or THREE more Nissan Vanettes just because the prices of Nissan Vanettes have come down. She still needs only ONE Nissan Vanette to run her nasi lemak business. But a cheaper Nissan Vanette means that Cik Minah pays less monthly instalment and therefore she can now save more money and use the extra savings to put down a deposit for that medium cost apartment that is now only affordable to many Chinese and other non Malays.

Boleh faham ke brader? Why are you folks so dumb?

The other example is the Bernas monopoly on rice. This has caused the price of rice to be so high in Malaysia. As I said before even that poor quality 20% or so broken rice is selling for almost RM3.00 per kilo. As I have said I have seen Chinese people buy this low quality rice and cook it (with pet food) and feed it to dogs. (This was at an animal shelter where we went to tolong sikit.)

But this is the same low quality rice that is being bought and eaten by the Malay people.

Now if you remove the Bernas monopoly on rice and open up the rice market to full competition, then it is most likely that the poor people, including many Malay people (who can still only afford to pay about RM3 per kilo for rice) will suddenly discover that now their RM3.00 can buy beras wangi Vietnam or beras panjang Thailand !! Or better - who knows.

So even though their income remains the same - meaning they still only have RM3.00 to buy rice - but the difference is that now with the same RM3.00 they do not have to eat "beras kualiti anjing". They can eat a better quality rice. Faham tak brader?

Or, if they still want to buy that low quality 20% broken rice, then they will discover that the price of that low quality 20% broken rice has fallen to reflect its real market value. Maybe that low quality 20% broken rice will now sell at only RM2.00 per kilo. No more RM3.00 per kilo.

So even there the consumer saves money. The money they save can be used to buy other things that they could not buy before - for example a medium cost apartment that previously was only affordable to Chinese and other non Malays.

To make a long story short what I am saying is that YOU (yes you brader) are poor because you are stupid. You do not seem to understand what is good for you.

When you cannot think logically and critically you will not know that you are in a situation of permanent crap.
Syed Akbar Ali at 2:20:00 PM

AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 2:42:00 PM
U fail to mention, other countries can survive with their public transport unlike malaysia everyone needs a car/bike to move around

i think im dumb - nirvana-


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 3:26:00 PM
Another permanent crap is bahasa melayu mampu jadi bahasa antarabangsa. Because of this crap, generations after generations of anak melayu cannot speak orang putih. Then tokay cina in private sector kena blame for not employing malays. Then gomen gotta take in malays in perkhidmatan awam, now abt 1.6mil orang.


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 9:50:00 PM
Chinese also terok. Born and raised in Malaysia still cannot speak Melayu ... This is equally bad.


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 4:44:00 PM
Truthfully we got CRAPPED now that PH turns out to be BN 2.0. PH better clean up its mess or else you will be destined to be a 1 term ruling party. Not voting for BN either but hope other political parties will surface to do the fighting for Malaysians. It's refreshing to see PSM leading the way in filing police report against those who blatantly stripped out Kledang Hill in Ipoh till BOTAK. RULE OF LAW prevails and heads must roll for those found guilty (send them to jail, no ifs or buts). This Malaysia Baru will not tolerate those nonsense that was rampant under BN or PH. Enuf said!!!


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 4:55:00 PM
Dengan senario politik malaysia hari ni aku pening nak pilih menatang mana satu, satu bekas geng penyamun, satu geng kuat tunggang agama dan satu lagi kuat kencing... Poning den dibuatnyoo...hahahaa...

Apasal pemimpin Islam yang sgt tawaduk duk duk yg tiap hari kutuk Sang Kapir Laknat ..Kapir Harbi ..tapi bermegah dgn kereta buatan kapir spt BMW, Audi, Porshe. Ikut cara X-Agong yang hanya nonggang LADA tangan kedua je .. Jiwa rakyat betul.

pbkg Makin ganas main agama kaum, apa lagi modal, semua penyamun tarbus ulat mau atok mampoih cepat,anak ikan masuk line, semua sandiwara beb, kalau atok lama, semua masuk Kira besi, kah kah kah, Ulat lagi mak darul ular...mesti pakai bmw baru khusyuk, bunyi luar tak masuk, setakat pakai proton hampeh...cermin Tak katup rapat kah kah kag...melayu islang


sickputMonday, February 11, 2019 5:16:00 PM
I cannot see any reform with dr m in charge. Or say under LGE.the last thing i would do is cancel the gst after najib's extravagance, but that was the first thing they now, finance minister working doubly hard trying to cover the shortfall by introduving msny other taxes .
They shoukd have reduced car taxes instead of gst if pump priming the evonomy is what they wanted.


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 5:25:00 PM
I agree with you on the beras monopoly. That should be dismantled yesterday. On the car prices, I agree that we should not pay overinflated price. All the crazy excise duties should be abolished yesterday. We Malaysians have suffered long enough just so a few AP Kings can accumulate easy money and become super rich at our expense.

Having said that I disagree that cheaper car price will not result in more cars on the road. Even that Chinese minister said that reduction in the excise/duty rates will not cause Government to lose income bcoz it will be covered by higher volume of car sales. Unless people buy cars just for show and just keep them in the house, higher sales volume means more cars on the road.

Syed, you think like rich people. Of course the rich who already own one car or more will not buy another one just becoz it is cheap (or maybe they will just to show off). Cheaper cars will encourage people who are currently using public transportation or motorbikes to buy cars (new or second hand).

Cheaper cars WILL increase traffic congestion. So my question is what is your solution to that? Build more roads? Improve PT so that people prefers to take PT than driving cars? Introduce petrol tax? Or just wait and see? What?

Let me reiterate just incase you think I disagree with your opinion re prices of cars in Malaysia. I agree that we should pay market prices. Our car prices are ridiculous. Would love to buy a brand new Merc for RM140k.


Lim Ann Wei PatrickMonday, February 11, 2019 5:30:00 PM
Agreed with Syed 100%.


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 7:07:00 PM
Ratio Melayu kampung bahlol lebeh ramai lagi dari Melayu bijak pandai. Content suka hati asalkan ada nasi dan ikan kering, TV 3 utk melopong dengar ostat bercelak, surau mesjid dekat,sekolah cekai free, sekolah latihan mintak-sedekah lagi free, motorbike daredevil pillion-rider bersama 8 anak + bini(2). Sat lagi di campakkan BRIM1 kjaan maha murah hati. Beres!! Malaysia syurga ku. Ekonomi negara, keselamatan, masa depan anak cucu bkan masalah aku! Ignorance is bliss. Reti pancut dan rokok antara dua jari 24 jam je.


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 7:43:00 PM
If you are a big housing developer, building condominiums in Malay areas and not getting other Malaysians wanting to buy in the area like Kerinchi, developers may not get good profit for the their projects. My take as non Malay population keep falling, developers will not build and sell condominiums of RM500,000+ because there is not enough non Malays buying these properties. Building in Malay areas may not generate enough profits to sustain their development projects. We are talking about 10 years from now which is pretty short time.
No developer wants to build and sell cheap properties and to people without purchasing power.


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 8:19:00 PM
You have to put your weight/push downwards on the handlebar to enable the tiller to dig in (wet the soil first) n start tilling. If u dont, it wont work on any soil xcept sand but who would want to till sand! This is becoz the tiller has less weight compared to power. Something like power to weight ratio in car, bikes etc. Have been farming at the base of Gunung Datuk 4 a few yrs now. Tanah sawah has clay in it.


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 9:15:00 PM
Build tall poshy apartments with shitty infrastructure to support it. Roads below and leading into it are narrow and always cramped up with stalls or cars parking like they own the place- some more got samseng indian jaga charging??? Many buildings are just so close to one another you can see whats going on in the bedrooms across!! Haphazard planning and for sure some people in certain sector making big time money out of it. Lost cause!


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 9:42:00 PM
kita pun sama jugak bahlaol penakut
cakap macam pandai tapi tak mau jadi pemimpin
tm ni dah hilang semangat jati diri tuannya
semua mau cipat tak reti sobar
nak jadi maju konon



AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 9:43:00 PM
"Can you find such a voter in Malaysia ? There are not enough of such voters. "

They were all gerrymandered into ridiculous 6-figure constituencies like Tony Pua's.


AnonymousMonday, February 11, 2019 10:59:00 PM
i'd rather the govt reduce car price than subsidise fuel.


parameswaraTuesday, February 12, 2019 1:47:00 AM
Baru dengar berita (ada saya yang baru tau)

Si Adnan Mansor (tada tengku) hantar anak 13 tahun belajar kat Ostrolia. Mak ai. terpekik melolong Bahasa, Jiwa, Bangsa. Kononnye budak budak di malaysia harus belajar semua mata pelajaran dalam Bahasa Malaysia - tapi anak sendiri pergi ostrlai baca dalam bahasa inggeris. Sama seperti geng2 dia kesemua anak2 di hnatar overseas. Pasal nak membodohkan orang sendiri tak mau ajar dalam bahasa inggeris. Poodah Adnan Mansor (tada tengku).



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About Me
Syed Akbar Ali
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E mail : Professionally in descending historical order a Blogger, Advisory Panel - Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission, businessman, property developer, author (three books todate), company director, newspaper columnist, NEAC economic consultant and banker. Also less erratic TV appearances and political analyst. Main interest: Malaysian peoples' scientific, industrial, economic and social advancement. Everything else is disposable.
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OutSyed The Box

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Here is a recent article by Mariam Mokhtar. I am reproducing it in full. My comments are in blue.

*Seven Questions Malays Should Ask Their Leaders.*

By Mariam Mokhtar


Are we stupid or are you – our leaders – that after over half a century you have still not got it right?

(OSTB : It is the fault of the Malays. They did not read enough books and intelligent material on their own to understand that their leaders were the ones who were and still are - stupid. Unbelievably stupid. Yes the leaders were stupid but it is the Malays who put them there. Look at how many Malays still support Hadi, Najib and PAS.)

The Malays in Singapore are by and large better off than us yet they do not have Bumiputraism. Why not learn from them?

(OSTB : The Singapore Malays are now becoming success stories who can outcompete the Chinese. Highly successful bankers in Singapore are Malays. Top real estate professionals in Singapore are Malays. And many more.)

The wealth gap intra the Malay community is much wider than that of the other communities. We have super rich Malays while most of us struggle to make ends meet.

(OSTB : Yes and no. There are no real wealthy Malays. All the so called wealthy Malays became wealthy on bumi projects, bumi contracts, government granted monopolies, taking up 30% bumi quota shares in successful Chinese and foreign owned companies, getting bumi quota shares in public listed companies etc. What does this mean? It means TWO things : 1. Only connected Malays - the elite - benefited from this wealth redistribution. 2. They cannot do it a second time. The children of these get-rich-quick Malays have not learned any business skills. So they cannot repeat the "false success" of their father's generation. The second and third generation will become poor again.)

Are these rich Malays so much cleverer or more hard working than the rest of us?
Or is it because *they have used their positions and connections to enrich themselves at our expense?*

(OSTB : My point exactly. Notice how many sons and daughters of UMNO/BN Ministers became 'big businessmen'. Now they are becoming bankrupt and exchange notes among themselves about going bankrupt during Friday prayers in the Bukit Damansara mosque.)


After all since the rich Malays can afford to support their children’s education why are they taking scholarships?

Every place they take means one less place for a poor student.

And how does giving us discount on buying shares help us? Most of us cannot understand the stock market and even if we did, we have no spare money to play the share market. This benefits the rich Malays but not us.

(OSTB : Now you are beginning to see. Many of these bumi policies have been crafted by the Malay elites - the 1st generation Ali Babas - to protect their own interests, ahead of the kampong Malays. You can see these Melayu elit at Bangsar Shopping Center, Bangsar Village, the Pavillion and also at the Bukit Damansara mosque on Fridays. Plus at the various clubs around town. And in Jakarta but that is getting less now. Duit sudah kurang.)

Same for housing we can only afford one house if at all, while the rich can buy many.

(OSTB : Why give a bumi discount for a Malay jutawan to buy a multi million Ringgit bungalow, semi D or upmarket condo? Where is the logic?)

Now if house purchase discounts were given strictly on the basis of needs and not race, then perhaps house prices can come down because of the lower holding cost for developers. This will benefit us.


How did the Chinese steal from us and how are they going to make us extinct? *Explain . . .!?!*

Are you not using them to scare us so that we run to you?

(OSTB : Here is my suggestion. Please make a huge statue of the Chinese and plant it on some high mountain top. If there were no Chinese, who would manufacture our underwear? Who would transport all the rice to our shops and markets? Who would plant, harvest and transport all our vegetables to our main markets? Who would catch, freeze and transport all our fish to the markets? Who would manufacture, market and transport all the cement, roof tiles, floor tiles, comcrete and steel that goes into making all our fantastically wonderful and world class houses? In Malaysia our modern houses are world class. Our taman perumahan, our new townships, our new urban centres are all world class.

An "average" property development in Malaysia.
World class. By Chinese developers.


(OSTB : Every year there are 70,000 [and increasing] Malay students in Chinese schools. Over the past 20 years more than ONE MILLION Malay students have graduated from Chinese schools. The number is increasing.)

Why is religion so much an element in our schools. Should we not have more time on subjects that prepare our children for the workplace – to cari makan?

And if as you keep telling us that we have the best education why are you sending your children to private schools and overseas universities?

(OSTB : They are lying. They know that the sekolah kebangsaan system has failed miserably. The children become more bodoh after going to sekolah kebangsaan.)

Why are our universities ranked so low?

We want good public universities led by good vice chancellors; we don’t care about his race. Yet you play politics with our children’s future by not appointing the best, but using race as a criteria.

(OSTB : The public universities are pusat propaganda ketuanan Melayu. Intelligence, IQ and ability are not too important. Race, religion, strange reinterpretation of history etc are more important than knowledge.)




I hear that in Indonesia there are siblings of different faiths in the same family.
That *a Muslim can marry a Christian without either converting from their religion*

*Explain Al Baqara 256: There is no compulsion in religion.*

And why do you think we are we so weak in our faith that we can be so easily confused, or influenced by the sign of the cross, or Christians celebrating their festivals that you forbid us to even convey our festive greetings to them? Or not allow them to enjoy their Oktober Fest as we consider it haram. Who are you/we to impose our beliefs on others. How did we become so intolerant?

*Why is it that you make a fuss of how our women (or other women) dress and trivial matters like that;*

*yet you close your eyes to the corruption that goes on?*
*You say nothing about how our leaders have cheated us*

*Has your silence been bought by the fat pay you get????*

(OSTB : Do not disturb them. Mereka sedang melanc _ p.)


Is it to keep us dependent on you? Are you afraid that if we can think for ourselves and stand on our own feet without you we can make up our minds what is good or bad?

(OSTB : Foolish people are easier to manage.)


Is it the less extreme and more tolerant Islam in their day? My grandmother did not wear a tudung yet she is a good Muslim. My grandfather sat in the coffeeshops with his Chinese and Indian kakis and no one made a fuss.

*Have you brainwashed us to hate the non-Malays?*

I do not care about race; and religion is a personal matter – between me and Allah. I do not want to be used as a pawn to *further your own selfish agenda.*
All I want is a good job and peace and harmony. I want a good education for my children so that they too can have a bright future.

I look at our Malay brothers in Sarawak and Sabah and envy them for their racial harmony and how they enjoy each other.

My grandfather tells me that we were like that once. I want to be like that again.

It is not the non-Malays who do not want to mix with us. *It’s us who want to be exclusive and that works to our detriment.*

Don’t play racial politics with our lives so you can divide and rule, and enrich yourself at our expense.

You can fool some of us all the time and all us some of the time, but you cannot fool all of us all the time.

*Explain why you have failed after 60 years of trying.*

(OSTB : The point that you are missing Mariam Mokhtar is that the Malays are becoming less and less relevant to the rest of the world around them.

Its like this.

For example they are becoming intolerant of ALL other religions. This means to ALL other religions, the Malays are not relevant to their lives. A Hindu, Buddhist etc will discover that the Malay / Muslim is less and less relevant to them.

Another example. The Malays are becoming more intolerant towards dogs. This means even to ALL dogs, the Malays are not relevant to their doggy lives. A dog will live a better life if there are no Malays anywhere near it.

Malays are becoming less tolerant of other races in the country. This means that as far as ALL other races are concerned the Malays are becoming less and less relevant to their lives.

Malays are saying do not wish Merry Christmas. This means that Malays are becoming less relevant when it comes to celebrating Christmas dinners and Christmas parties. Christmas parties and christmas dinners will just have to get along WITHOUT Malays. Its as simple as that.

Public universities are becoming less and less relevant to non Malay academics and scholars. If you want to be a vice chancellor or top academic (by merit) in a public university, and you are NOT a Malay - then you have no chance or little chance of being promoted up. So public universities become less relevant for merit based scholarship.

So little by little - the Malays have made themselves less and less relevant to the real world.

This is part of what some of the unthinking called 'BUILDING MALAYSIA IN OUR OWN MOULD'.

I call this mould the Cap Tah_ Ayam. The Chicken Shit mould.

After 49 years (since 1970) of this Chicken Shit mould, the shit has really hit the fan.

They have become incurably stupid and non competitive.
But they think they are incurably clever and super competitive.

They think they are capable of working hard. Ha ha ha.

So today, after 49 years, some of the progressive thinkers are beginning to see how deep is the shit that theyhave actually become stuck in.

But where were you 30 years ago?

Enjoying the spoils of the 30% bumi policy?
Tumpang satu kaki?
Buying your homes in Bukit Damansara?
On freebie money?

So what is the problem now?
Your house in Bukit Damansara has been on sale for the past six months and there are no takers?

Can you smell that?
Its the chicken shit.

Syed Akbar Ali at 12:19:00 PM

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About Me
Syed Akbar Ali
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E mail : Professionally in descending historical order a Blogger, Advisory Panel - Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission, businessman, property developer, author (three books todate), company director, newspaper columnist, NEAC economic consultant and banker. Also less erratic TV appearances and political analyst. Main interest: Malaysian peoples' scientific, industrial, economic and social advancement. Everything else is disposable.
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Cameron Highland By Syed Akbar Ali

OutSyed The Box

Sunday, January 27, 2019
Cameron Highlands

First of all in some of the posters Manogaran was showing his fist.
Mahu pukul orang ke?

The Pakatan won the General Elections because of THREE factors :

1. the intense hatred against Najib and Rosmah
2. Tun Dr Mahathir's unifying role
3. the Malay vote was split

Now the intense hatred against Najib and Rosmah seems to have faded away - among the Malays. And some Indians.

The cantankerous, confusing and poor leadership of the Pakatan Cabinet has almost nullified Dr Mahathir's unifying factor.

The Malay vote has obviously swung back to the BN. One swallow does not make a summer and one by election does not change a government but there is a trend that is building up.

In Malaysia ALL elections are determined by the Malay vote. Period. You break the Malay vote the non Malays gain. If the Malay vote is united, the non Malays lose.

The immediate effect of this Camerons by election is that it will pull the brakes on UMNO MPs seeking to switch camps. Hisham Onn may have problems coralling those 20 to 30 UMNO MPs now.

As someone said the Pakatan is turning out to be a 'one hit wonder'.

The Pakatan Harapan ended 61 years of BN rule.
Or misrule for the last 15 years of the BN.




By the way Bankers, do you know that PLUS has committed an event of default? Those monopoly dunggus do not even know how to collect money.

Deputy Minister of MITI Dr Ong Kian Ming has spoken about reducing excise taxes on imported vehicles which will reduce the car prices.

He is just talking.


I have been saying this for years - REDUCE THE PRICES OF CARS AND VEHICLES.

Please have pity and mercy on millions of Malaysians who are paying BMW prices for Hondas and Toyotas.

In the US, a 2019 Honda Accord starts at US$23,000 or less than RM100,000.

In Malaysia the same car sells for around RM150,000 - RM165,000 (Hybrid).

This is really insane. (For those of you who cannot understand basic 'buy low, sell high' of business - just shut the .... up. Pi cebuk dale sungai saja lah ok?)

As Ong Kian Ming said when we lower the prices of cars (through lowering the insane tax regime on motor vehicles) the sales of cars will pick up. Malaysians will be able to pay less for better cars.

More importantly, if a Honda Accord sells for less than RM100,000 (instead of RM150,000) then the consumer not only saves 30% of the car price but his monthly instalment will also decrease by 30%.

The consumer immediately gets a 30% salary increment in his pocket. Yes the government collects less taxes but the consumer now has more purchasing capacity and he will buy his own products and services (up to that 30% savings in his car instalments) which will relieve the government of providing some of those same services. (What type of services? Health, education, security, housing etc]. It always balances out. But the consumer has more choice.

So please cut the taxes on motor vehicles and reduce the prices of cars.

Please have mercy on the people.

Miss Yeo Bee Yin our Colgate girl has to come out with an action plan (no more master plans ok) to break up TNB. This should have been done 25 years ago. We need competition in the grid.

Here is a suggestion Miss Yeo.

First break up TNB into generation and distribution.
TNB only undertakes distribution.
No power generation.
Let the IPPs handle power generation.

Then break up the TNB distribution into three or four separate distribution companies.

Then let each of the three or four distribution companies negotiate their own PPAs with the IPPs.

This will introduce great competition into the system. The consumers will benefit.

And please make it as easy as going to Ace Hardware to buy and install our own solar panels on our own rooftops. And allow people to sell their excess power back to the grid.

This was started sometime, somewhere but it has died. With the amount of sunshine falling on Malaysia and with a ONE SQUARE METER solar panel on every roof top, we may NEVER have to build another IPP for a hundred years.

If all the sunlight energy striking the surface in Texas alone could be converted to electricity, it would be up to 300 times the total power output of all the power plants in the world!

So Miss Yeo, what shall be your contribution to making our lives better?

There is so much that can be achieved just by reversing old policies.


Why do we still have to renew our driving licenses every year?
Hello Anthony LOke?
How many bilions and trillions does the government collect from driving licenses?
In other countries you pay only once in your life time for a driving license.

Do you all remember bicycle licenses and TV licenses?
Up to the 1960s bicycles needed bicycle licenses.
TVs needed TV licenses until Tok Mat abolished TV licenses.

Please abolish this renewal of car licenses lah.
Have mercy on the people.

And restructure the road tax.

Nowadays Mercedes S400 has a 1.8 litre engine.
You cannot calculate road tax based on engine capacity anymore.
It does not make sense.

For a 1000cc car (Axia) the road tax is less than RM50.
So for a 3000cc car it should be about RM150.
Instead the road tax for my 3.2 litre Audi is over RM3000.

This does not make sense.
What is the logic behind this type of road tax structure?
Why punish people for driving better cars - for which they have worked hard to earn the money to buy those cars.

Here is a simple solution.
Calculate road tax according to the car's horsepower lah.
Horsepower does not depend on the engine capacity.

And use a simple formula - charge RM1 for each horsepower.

So the Audi pays RM255.
The Axia still pays about RM50.
Senang kira, senang cerita.

The Pakatan Harapan is not delivering.

Guan Eng and Azmin are engaged in a verbal masturbation about who was in the Cabinet meeting, what was really said, by whom and heard or not heard by whom.

Are you being serious?

And after all the masturbation the public still does not know if that ECRL project is on or off.

It is not happening and it is not going to happen.

The Pakatan will break up.

Syed Akbar Ali at 10:41:00 PM


AnonymousSunday, January 27, 2019 10:58:00 PM
The previous rotten NajibThief goovment had all 100% half past six ministers.. Ok

Mamak Old Doc Shoes cabinet not that lucky also, he has 80% half past six ministers... haha


AnonymousSunday, January 27, 2019 11:06:00 PM
And I am very sorry to have to say this for I do value much of many things you Tuan Syed has said over the years: you are saying these things to people who you think really, really want the New Malaysia?

They do not want New Malaysia - they want the Malaysia they want and it is not the New Malaysia that many of us voted for on May 9th.

So, please think something else instead of having those helming Malaysia these days to be told repeatedly what they surely would have known already if only the New Malaysia is what they are after.

And as far as I am concerned that something else would be the young in the twenties and thirties. For forties and above, they appear to be beyond help already. Arrogance, stupidity and cruelty are all in their DNAs and surrounding.

And so the Highland experience will not be sufficient for them to come down to earth to wake up. Even Semenyih would not be pedih enough. Trust me.

Malaysians and Malaysia are again at a crossroads.



AnonymousSunday, January 27, 2019 11:07:00 PM
i see u are only attacking dap ministers. what gives? following BN rhetoric, are we?

i thought u were better than that, syed ali. not v out of the box, are we?

i suppose if dap is a liability, pls go and form an all malay coalition. pfft. malaysia does not need the non-bumiputras, right?


AnonymousSunday, January 27, 2019 11:09:00 PM
yeah, PH performance has been really lacklustre and with LGE issuing surprised statement, that shouldn't have happened. PH really needs to buck up and not drag its feet.


AnonymousSunday, January 27, 2019 11:10:00 PM
Ong Kian Ming, Gobind and Yeo Bee can talk and dream only

Suicide if Accord priced at below RM100k. Third National Car will die a natural death before being born. Dulu said no public funds to be used but now Minister for Entrepreneurs said RM 20 mil ministry funds allocated for it. They said Government no money now but this Third Car nonsense got money . BIG LIE THERE

Bernas still a monopoly. Telekom still a monopoly for fixed broadband. Just open up the local market . Let Singtel, NTT and Docomo in to compete. Faster cheaper broadband means new industries and new jobs and new growth potential

Because at the of the day its all about race,race , race.

Behind the scene are the GLCs and Khazanah . Government can change but mentality still the same. Must put Melayu CEO's somewhere and where better than here at protected and non competitive local market. PNB must have guaranteed dividends every year without fail

Continuing the same failed policies as the government they replaced.



UnknownMonday, January 28, 2019 9:40:00 PM
fish rots from the head down


AnonymousSunday, January 27, 2019 11:51:00 PM
These guys just lost the very non Malay vote that put them in 3000 + !!!. Real wake up call. Toon ..pls keep Maszlee and smoking Dzul till you loose Semenyih and Rantau...Toll gates ? I wish they put them back on the Federal Highway which has become a giant car park now. Collect toll to build more LRTs if you must. Public transport is the key and future. Not more cars unless you want to highway up everything in Klang Valley and knock every building in sight.

Looks like PH may not last the mile. Their troubles started the moment the chameleon got him..ehmm " pardon"....


AnonymousSunday, January 27, 2019 11:57:00 PM
But Tuan Syed, your Ayahanda wants to introduce a 3rd national car. He will NEVER lower the car prices. He will say that our local cars will become 'uncompetitive'. So how?


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 12:00:00 AM
BN won't amount to anything substantial as long as Najib and co is still in the picture. People still hate and ridicule him (sebab boleh buat muka tebal).

If votes shifted to BN, it's likely out of spite - just as long as PH holds the majority. Me personally, I'll be reserving my vote for the opposition because they have imbeciles running the education system. Education are amongst the fundamental things that really matter i.e. non-negotiable.

As for the licenses, taxes on auto, etc etc - those matter a lot less to me. They're icing on the cake. If the rakyat is screaming for icing on cakes, well, education has failed them. If politicians pander to icing on cakes, well, education has failed them. See a trend?

Everyone has a choice. You can control your choices to a certain extent aka buy an expensive car, expect to pay arms & legs for maintenance, ownership costs etc. etc. That is a personal choice, which anyone can exercise great control over.

Our education choices? Nada. Infact, it's oppressive. If you disagree with their religious schools (which continues to manufacture camel herders), there is only 1 viable option for the vast majority. It isn't a choice if there is only one alternative.

tl;dr Learn the difference between the fundamentals and the superfluous. Applies especially to those with opportunity to change things.


Kusuma HarunMonday, January 28, 2019 1:01:00 AM
Tuan Syed. Dont delete the articles with recommendations when new post is added. The ministers need to have a look. I'm also quite fed up with Pakatan. If they don't take action, the ularmaks and geng lebai will rise. I don't want that to happen. I just hope the ministers and the Pakatan MPs can think like Dr Mahathir.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 2:16:00 AM
Beside Tun....there is no other leader. There are ministers who merely isi jawatan, kasi speech and buat press statement, but they dont seem to be able to lead. We have FT minister talking about cryto currency, Youth minister talking about israel, education minister talking rubbish, health minister only talking about rokok, DPM who only reads prepared speech. Nobody talks about lack of job creation, high cost of living, fat civil service, low ringgit, MAS, bad traffic in big cities, students cannot master english.

And when proton SUV salesman says "ini kereta nasional fully imported from china"... you know that our economy is doomed.


KilatMonday, January 28, 2019 3:18:00 AM
If you add up bn + pas votes on may 9th vs ph and do the same for the by election, the needle hasn’t moved either way. So Pahang or rural is still umno pas.


moohenMonday, January 28, 2019 4:17:00 AM


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 7:45:00 AM
I support your suggestion to collect Driving Licence Fee just one time. Think you can reduce the size of the JPJ Clerical Staff at the same time.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 7:52:00 AM
I still have faith in PH..tis the demographics..Malays in CH bouyed by useless serban guys..OA in CH duped by that thick-skinned thief..why is the thief allowed to roam free?..they are just doomed..(btw I am a pahangite living in kl)


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 8:57:00 AM
Prices of fish and seafood are still expensive. Bila nak turun ni? Toll is another low hanging fruit, rakyat understand if you cannot totally abolish but surely you can reduce it a bit? If you cannot even do that, why put it in your manifesto in the first place?

Enough excuses re abolishment of sedition act. Your ding dong re the abolition of that act showed that you are no better than the previous BN regime, wanting to stop dissent by shutting the people's mouth.

Reduce the car prices radically, reduce North South Highway tolls but introduce congestion toll to the city centre. Bring in electic cars (ckd not cbu), encourage the use of solar panels.

Tun M will not lead PRU15, that alone could cause PH to lose. Without obvious improvements to the overall well-beings of the rakyats, what is there to convince the atas pagar fellas to vote for PH?


UnknownMonday, January 28, 2019 9:05:00 AM
Tun M performance is mediocre too. Yes you can criticise his cabinet ministers; but you should also comment on Tun M's achievement as PM since May 9th 2018. I hardly see you talk about Tun?


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 9:05:00 AM
If the PH government continues in this disappointing mode, it may even lose the Semenyih by-election.

In this country the voters that matters are the Malay voters, they decide who win or lose in an election, and yet we have politicians who has been in Malaysian politics for almost their whole life, and yet not knowing this fact.

Look at Lim Kit Siang and his ego maniac son who constantly attack Najib. Don't they know that when they over attacked Najib the malays will react, simply because a chinaman is attacking a pemimpin melayu, and their pride cannot allow this, irrespective of whether najib is totally corrupted or not. And since he has been charged in court, they should allow the law to take its own course.

No other politician in this country has attacked najib more than this father and son combo Why do they hate najib so much, when it was not najib who sent them to jail. Najib is setting a trap for them and yet they dont seem to realize.

My advice to these father and son is to just shut the f..k up as far as Najib is concern, otherwise they will be greatly responsible for the demise of PH, which will be a great tragedy and Tun will not be able to help.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 3:34:00 PM
Spot on bro. Just look at Jelutong antics in parliament. Attacking Najib on 1MDB at every opportunity. Each and every moment he opens up his mouth, everyday without fail when parliament is in session.

No matter how crook and corrupt Najib is, the Malays will view that as an attack to their leader, an attack to their race. They view it as open assault to Malay supremacy in Malay majority country such as Malaysia. And this kinda behaviour would further hurt PH standing amongst the Malay voters.


UnknownMonday, January 28, 2019 9:06:00 AM
Tun M performance is mediocre too. Yes you can criticise his cabinet ministers; but you should also comment on Tun M's achievement as PM since May 9th 2018. I hardly see you talk frankly about Tun's performance?


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 9:15:00 AM
PLUS majority shareholder is EPF. If PLUS makes huge amount of money from toll collection, so do EPF. Which translated into bigger divident for EPF depositors.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 9:32:00 AM
Boss, road tax based on horse power is also not ideal. I suggest it should be bases bn wheelbase. The longer the wheelbase then the more footprint the car occupies on the road. Data easily available. Cannot agree more that car should be cheaper but petrol price is floated. PH is a big disappointment now and rakyat will surely kick them out soon.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 9:44:00 AM
i am surprised u are drawing racial lines and not pointing at the non performing ministers mostly of whom are from a certain party and a certain race.

unless of course u feel the only reason to attack these ministers because they'll get shit done?

my q is... why not attack Amanah, Bersatu and PKR ministers for their lack of performance?

Personally I think all OKT is doing better than the minister himself? Who is it anyway? YBY is doing well as much as I hate this no straw business. And AL is doing OK as transport.

The lousy ones are those u hear nothing from. like the entrepreneur minister. what has he done?!?!


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 9:47:00 AM
The thing about CH is that PH got it all wrong from the start. The have got a wrong choice of candidate. BN showed brain and strategy in selecting their candidate while PH relying on party heavyweight with questionable popularity.

The PH choice of candidate really is no brainer. The usual suspect while BN went out from its usual choice and chose an orang asli and a local boy as their best man in CH. PH chose a candidate who had lost 2 previous elections at the same place before. And he being an Indian at this moment in time made it even more difficult where Malay sentiment is still negative from the Adib’s episode.

At this point in time, there’s no way Malay voters are in the mood to vote for PH candidate.

When we’re in the government, having and contributing large seats in the coalition, we tend to be arrogant. Refusing to listen to anyone. Shutting out window of discussion. Insisting on a candidate which everyone knew was not winnable in the first place, especially to Malay voters. The problem is not about the seat but the candidate. The candidate has got to be IN THE RIGHT PLACE AND AT THE RIGHT TIME all the time. You’ve got to make it right here first before start moving on on other stuff like logistics and machinery.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 10:14:00 AM

berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul. pakatan harapan baru tak sampai 1 tahun memerintah. itu pun dah banyak kebaiakan dibuat untuk rakyat. tugas mereka bukan mudah. tak payahlah dok asyik kondem PH. Kondem mudah. mereka yg buat kerja juga yang berat bahu mereka


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 1:46:00 PM
Setuju sangat!


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 10:33:00 AM
Yes, PH Mini-Star are not delivering. Tun said give them time, they're inexperienced. Well, there is only so much leeway we can give.

PH Mini-Star are now acting like UMNO. Start action, berlagak, sudah macam gangster. They are quickly losing the rakyat respect.

The worse performers are from Bersatu & PKR. Not surprised as many are ex-UMNO. If these people want to berlagak macam UMNO, masuk balik UMNO lah.

I know these Mini-Star won't read this. They're already arrogant & blind to what is happening on the ground. Perhaps they really do deserve to be only 1 term Government.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 10:39:00 AM
Throwing random ideas like this is useless

FACT: even if PH is still there for GE15, their manifesto ALREADY stinks like rotten fish. Because the rakyat knows it's mostly lies.

Once bitten, twice shy!

You conned the people once, you think they will bite twice?

Don't say Mahathir not to blame, lah

Who is the captain of the sinking ship?


Everything travels on social media, you cannot control thought like before.

a) Where is the govt comms team? They are being OUTPLAYED by Najib's few remaining team!

b) Where is the REVISED manifesto?

c) What is the new objectives for Ministries?


Useless performance so far.

Remember, 20% swing from the Malays and PH can start packing their bags.

They know that, and still as ****ing useless as ever!!!

Wake up lah, you clowns

May some higher power save M'sia.


H LeeMonday, January 28, 2019 10:51:00 AM
Agreed, the new government have to put the Rakyat's interest first as it is we, the ordinary people, who voted them in. Remember,the majority of us, the ordinary folks (Malaysians of course) are just average earners and are not rich. All the promises prior to the Election have to be fulfilled, apply rule of law to all the corrupted ex-leaders and those involved (previous government) without delay. Just my 2 cents worth.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 11:03:00 AM


dev66Monday, January 28, 2019 3:21:00 PM
That will never happen because PH is too soft.. bet a royal pardon is say is all politicians or leaders are corrupt. it will never happen.. and for the minorities even worse... probably have to pack and leave the to work in other countries. . same like Bangla. . and when r they going to eradicate all this bloody foreigners? ???


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 11:11:00 AM
Congrats Pakatan Bodoh...Bijan is gaining ground among the Malays ,n royal. He will indeed will be pardon for all his fiasco. He just need to have another mega demonstration with eddy bawang to force a royal pardon. The plot is oledi set. You guys are in deepest shit now. Bodoh bahlol dunghuk vadeh.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 11:13:00 AM
Why sound so angry, brader...
Isn't it your PH... Hahaha


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 11:17:00 AM
PH so far does not seem to take good care of rakyat. PH looks so lame concentrating on petty matters. We want a total change. Do something or risk being kicked out in the next PRU. People start feeling pissed of with PH already.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 11:23:00 AM
And what about the PTPTN loans? Kata nak cancel? Dont turn back on your promise. The youngsters are pissed.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 11:23:00 AM
PH biggest mistake in Cameron was when they made a trouble with Tok Batins. It shows PH has the same low mentality as previous government. They might as well voted their own people rather than the snobbish DAP candidate.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 11:25:00 AM
I was hoping there would also be some drastic changes in the education system. No more 11 periods per week on agama jawi arab tasmik and all that. But alas.. PH wants to add in more religion!!


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 11:40:00 AM
Malay hate DAP after Najib ( or actual his failure handling Rosmah).

Why malay hate DAP?
Not by UMNO propaganda..but by DAP leadership behavior, speech and family/Chinese centric.

Anywhere in the world, Chinese well known as fire.. domination & rude.. distinguish them from Japan, Korean, Taiwan , Vietnam good Confucianism civilization feeling/ image..

Bila kecil boleh kawan baik, bila besar dia makan,bully kita..

If DAP election votes Malay as candidate openly then DAP can say they represent Malaysian.

Otherwise forget it..


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 12:02:00 PM
Malay votes gain, non Malay vote lose. Non Malay vote gain, Malay vote lose. Dulu kini Dan selamanya. Still have doubt over emigration opportunities for your families n kids?


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 12:04:00 PM
Dr M didn't win the election. Najib lost it. Dr M's support is for the moment only, to topple Najib. Everyone knows Dr M's true colours. He is showing it now. He likens Malays to Americans, calling them American Bumis. If they can block Latinos from coming, Malaysian Bumls can also block people they don't like from coming. Why didn't he say so earlier. We don't need trickery or guile for a leader. Malaysia is different from US. We need someone to lead the country forward, not to become another Bangladesh.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 12:51:00 PM
Finally you're starting to make sense. Some points hit the mark, some others i dont agree with. But still, pls continue to speak up. We chgd the govt for want of a better one, not worse or even the same!


norman fernandezMonday, January 28, 2019 1:03:00 PM
Ringkasan Punca Kekalahan PH di Cameron Highland.
(Oleh Norman Fernandez)
1. Negeri Pahang masih diperintah kerajaan BN/UMNO.
2. Kerusi Jelai dalam Parlimen Cameron Highland adalah kerusi Menteri Besar Pahang.
3. Cameron Highland dari dulu kubu BN
4. Cameron Highland mempunyai kawasan Felda.
5. Peneroka Felda masih berterima kasih kepada Tun Razak. Najib Tun Razak masih mempunyai pengaruh.
6. Terdapat peratusan tinggi bekas Tentera/Polis dalam Felda.
7. Terdapat peratusan tinggi penyokong dan ahli PAS.
8. MIC memberi laluan
9. Pilihan calun Orang Asli yang pertama oleh BN.
10. Penempatan-penempatam Orang Asli. Orang Asli lebih mengharapkan bantuan kerajaan negeri.
11. Pengundi Orang Asli sebanyak 22%.
12. Persefahaman BN-PAS.
13. Calun DAP-PH tidak sangka MIC akan memberi laluan kepada UMNO.
14. Calun Orang Asli- BN v Calun DAP-PH India.
15. Isu tanah Orang Asli, isu tanah pertanian dibawah kerajaan negeri.
16. Mulut celupar calun DAP-PH
17. Mulut celupar dan ugutan Senator PKR-PH.
18. Tiada NGO Orang Asli PH.
19. Melayu dan Islam dijadikan isu.
20. Adib, mendiang ahli bomba menjadi isu - Adib dibunuh orang India. Keadilan untuk Adib. Polis dan bekas polis mengundi calun bekas Polis


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 2:04:00 PM
Terbukti dah, talent puak kita ni dalam bergaduh mulut jer. Dah bagi peluang menang, sampai la dok gaduh mulut gak lagi. Need to walk the talk, Sir.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 2:13:00 PM
I suggest that the EC compel future candidates for public office be qualified to draft, design and debate public policies as a bare minimum.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 3:01:00 PM
Ha ha ha!!!!

Padan muka lah.

When 98% of PH energy is spent on intrigues between Mahathir and Anwar or Azmin and Anwar, what time is there left for the people?

My bet is that the bugis will be PM again.

Whose fault?

PH fault.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 3:19:00 PM
If Pakatan breaks up fei pho will get to keep all the bags diamonds and tons of currencies eh


anonMonday, January 28, 2019 3:42:00 PM
dah la kena bayar cukai jalan, tol jalan pun kena bayar..double-charge???

why toll rate hike? maintenance cost more than construction?


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 4:02:00 PM
Anwar wont be the next pm. BN will be back... PH jz a one hit wonder dulu kini selamanya...ppl mood now r against PH. BN/PAS will be more religious inclined, hudud will be implemented... brace for the future


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 5:29:00 PM
Pakatan must start fulfilling their promises! Rakyat lose even more then they did when BN was gomen.. except PTPTN, that's one promise the gomen needs not keep. Yang tak layak masuk uni should all be enrolled to trade schools.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 6:55:00 PM
If Semenyih falls, PH ministers can all start applying for political assylum overseas., and prepare for Jibby 2.0. If PH wins big in Semenyih, Jibby, Rosmah, JoLow , families n cronies can start to apply for political assylum in Somalia.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 7:33:00 PM
As usual you are sjifshif TDMs fault to others.
Why are tolls not refuced?
Ask TDM who is the most vocal against toll reductions.


snapshotMonday, January 28, 2019 7:49:00 PM
Tuan Syed, as far as I know, PH is a goner. During the last election, me, my family members and friend all got an erection when PH won. We felt that we have done our part to get rid of cymbals. A new Malaysian dawn is here. That is what we thought. Getting rid of all those cronies will make Malaysia more diversified and prosper. The election promise of goodies will come. Well, that is why we thought. What we get is, black shoes, then white is ok. Petrol back to floating system after several bungles. Sounds familiar? Then we have government procurement cancelled and renamed and then given out to different players. We have the enteri
Sumber manusia squeezing more money out from industry players. Just imagine, getting expatriates to pay for SOCSO. Unnecessary Smoking ban that gets smokers crazy. Putting non smokers against smokers. Clever isn't it. A whole education system which needs to be reinvented but the opposites happens. UEC getting the ding dong again.
To think of it najib has more brains that this bunch of clowns. The only excuse this bunch of clowns could give is najib stole our money. At least najib knows how to be popular.
Tuan Syed, I am Chinese and all my friends, colleague and relatives are fed up. PH is not getting our votes at Semenyih.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 8:23:00 PM
Firstly, thanks for the earlier links on Jww Birch and Kukup-Telangkop - timely & pertinent to me, among others.

Agree, many issues presented are slowly but surely becoming 'cold' cases. Putting the matters through a sieve, persons of interests are welcome to apply 'mercy' to all of the rakyat.

Say, forensically, who would gain most from allowing the impaired policies (having & not having) and non-performing govt. sectors to continue & 'flourish' ?

Toll 'Plus-Epf', 'JpJ clericals' examples given rooted from aged-old policies-implemetations. Decision-makers la, dulu kini & selamanya. Some want gains, others yg. tutup mata remain in ignorance. Smell like stale beers..ouch

Q. What significant +values to rakyat recently implemented or,and about to be done in short-term (3-6 mths) and longer 2-5 yrs?

My wish - give extra mile, innovate, get (new) technologies & embrace em to increase productivity consequently +GDP : import-export, produces etc.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 8:30:00 PM
Stop jerking off Pakatan. We have had too many premature ejaculation.


Peck Wan LeongMonday, January 28, 2019 9:20:00 PM
And for the diesel engine vehicles. Government is no more subsidising the fuel but why diesel engine vehicles are still paying exorbitant amount for road tax ?
Under BN, diesel has never been more expensive than petrol. But this stupid FM made it happened. This pushed up the cost of production, cost of transportation, ... and how would the price of consumer goods able to come down. If a FM could not see this simple fact, he should be sacked immediately.


AnonymousMonday, January 28, 2019 9:53:00 PM
Tun was successful to use the issue of IMDB to swing some rural Malay votes from the BN.
However,for one reason or other, Tun did not manage to get those responsible for the IMDB and other scandals convicted or even close to that.
As a result, the public esp the rural Malays voters now believe that what Tun said during the GE 14 as nothing more than just false accusations.


ZackMonday, January 28, 2019 10:01:00 PM
Cameron Highlands is a different ball game. The non orang asli are mainly involved in Agriculture of which the lands are leased from state government and federal gov has no say. Some are even operating on illegal lands with closed one-eye treatment.They do not want to change the status quo for no reason which will jeopardize their livelihood. The orang asli follows what their Tok Batins instructs,just like in East Malaysia. PRK Semenyih will be the real test as these are urban folks who are able to think rationally.But with the racist game being played by UMNO and PAS, Semenyih may go either way.

AnonymousTuesday, January 29, 2019 12:09:00 AM
Ha ha ha.. Like i say dato'
Most PH Minister sucks,, you can name it few can perform...
Promise being broken without given alternatives way to fulfill.
To slow to implement the change, You know why felda area in CH ur lost.. Minister just come and talk, no solid action..and they only know how to blame others but forget about themselves..ha ha ha..


AnonymousTuesday, January 29, 2019 1:35:00 AM
Off topic
1. What's your opinion and take on what Terence Gomez wrote about
"Patronage is king in new Malaysia", & Replies to it. "Patronage is bishop, plutocracy is Queen in pants", "No patronage in govt dealings"

2.Syed this may be right up your alley about what this author wrote and his interview / opinionated and it is quite close what you have been sounding should happen in M'SIA.


AnonymousTuesday, January 29, 2019 1:47:00 AM
So many comments.
Good. Critical thinking allowed.

From character, attitude to the future of the automotive industry.

Principles must remain principles. Any changes is a reflection of a weak government.

Flip flop on the ICERD was just the beginning of a kerajaan with no balls.
How many more flip-flops will the rakyat tolerate?

The non Malays are now the minority of the minorities where the Indons and Bangladeshi are a bigger voice.

Such is the state of affairs in our beloved nation.
The education system continues to rot because of a systemic abuse of priveligious jk no accorded by an ever elusive government.

Keeping the majority of Malays/Muslims ignorant is the key to continued power of a select few.

The nons are no more than the sucker fish in an aquarium. Destined to be there for eternity as the demographics will show.
So what are the Melayus trying to show knowing very well the status quo of the nons?

Just how avaricious does a race become? Unsangkarable. The munafiks of the munafiks in the world. Of cause also the mualafs of the mualafs in the Abrahamic faith.
Just because they are a majority they are entitled? To do what ever they want and be forgiven?
Never realized God was such a wimp!
Just build tens of thousands of mosques and God must forgive your perversions?
Seriously is God that stupid to have created a munafik and then forgive that munafik?
Did God blunder along the way?

And just why did that God choose to exist?

Salutations Tuan Syed.

The Equalizer-manonthestreet.


AnonymousTuesday, January 29, 2019 5:32:00 AM
Lets not talk about difficult tasks like reducing toll rates, high living cost, ptptn, new education strategies etc etc

Lets talk abt :
a. abolish sedition act
b. no political appointees to govt agencies & glc
c. separation of powers (KSU KDN & KP Immigration case)

all these are easy and does not involve money yet nothing done... Tun seems to let it happen too...


vinTuesday, January 29, 2019 10:40:00 AM
One by-election loss by PH in a Ketuanan Melayu-Islam bodoh nak mampus stronghold and PH is going to break up? Let's see what happens in Semenyih. As for the LGE vs Azmin shit, the DAP is showing that Mahathir clown the the DAP and PKR are equals. Hisaputing cannot get the UMNO katak Mahathir wants because UMNO is getting stronger? Very good. This way your Ayahanda will need to get on with building the New Malaysia rather than UMNO 3.0


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About Me
Syed Akbar Ali
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E mail : Professionally in descending historical order a Blogger, Advisory Panel - Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission, businessman, property developer, author (three books todate), company director, newspaper columnist, NEAC economic consultant and banker. Also less erratic TV appearances and political analyst. Main interest: Malaysian peoples' scientific, industrial, economic and social advancement. Everything else is disposable.
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Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

~Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear