Gold is thought to trap and maintain the power of the stones set in it. Wearing Gold is thought to bring Sun like qualities to the wearer - the strength, confidence, courage and a long prosperous life. Gold is a metal in harmony with the Sun and therefore in harmony with the Leo born.
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It is the traditional gift of the 50th Wedding Anniversary. Gold is considered a Master Healer by Natural Healers and associated with the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra). Gold brings the healing power and life force of the Sun most often mentioned as helping with central nervous disorders, heart problems and arthritis.
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Gold spurs the regeneration of neurotransmitters and creates a balance of brain function between creative and logical thought. It also benefits the nerves with its ability to improve the flow of information through the body.
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Gold has the emotional power to ease tension, feelings of inferiority, an anger as well as encouraging the realization of one’s potential and bringing comfort.
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It really works for me. I wear gold bracelet, gold rings and gold chain with gold pendant. No diamond or other stones, just pure gold. It helps me to get rid off the nervous feeling and heart problem, particularly.
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Britney Spears Engagement Ring