Read this story to find out.......
In 2003, I met a man named Rick Saruna. At the time, I had been looking for a local practitioner of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and relaxation therapy to help a relative of mine through a difficult time. I came across Rick and his clinic in my hometown of Windsor, Ontario.
If you want to know the entire truth, Rick was flabbergasted when I called the first time as a few weeks prior he had written my name down to contact me after buying a book at a conference he had attended in New Hampshire - my company was listed in the book's resource section. So we had 2 reasons to meet.
We met a few days later at his clinic and discussed a plan of action for my loved one. I noticed that a large part of his practice was devoted to helping people quit smoking and he claimed a 90% success rate. Knowing what I knew then about the horror stories of myself and others who tried to quit smoking, I was quite skeptical of this claim. Making one of my notoriously off-handed remarks, I commented about my being in the 10% - the stereotypical, weak-minded, incurable addict.
Rick replied SO matter-of-factly that the 10% who failed to quit represented those who didn't follow his simple program and that in a couple of hours he could get me to give up smoking for good!
He added though that this time, I would quit for good, without major stress and without suffering through weeks or months of painful cravings and withdrawals (that eventually led to my failure before) and *without gaining any extra weight whatsoever. In fact he said I would lose weight with his program if I wanted to!
Look, I wasn't even close to thinking about making yet another mother-of-all-painful-decisions-to-quit-smoking, so Saruna's promise would have been an absolute miracle in my case! All he said I had to do to was set aside 3 hours of my time and pick the date for what I now call "D-Day", or "done day". I did just that. Afterall, what could having at least a semi-open mind and investing 3 hours really cost me in the bigger scheme of things?
After 3 hours, I really did Quit!
With Our Program . . .
You will NOT have to spend hundreds of dollars buying medicines or supplements that will NOT help you quit smoking,
You will NOT have to put on patches, chew gums, swallow pills, use an inhaler, or ingest any other foreign substance,
You will NOT have to follow any new and special diet, although we recommend the intervals at which you eat throughout the day and tell you one substance to avoid at all costs (we also want you to drink plenty of water),
You will NOT have to start an extensive exercise program . . .
. . . in fact, after you have read/listened to our program, about 3 hours, you just carry on with your normal routine only having to set aside a half hour or so per day for 3 weeks (or less) to listen to a special recording we made. Piece of cake!
You QUIT or You Don't Pay - No If's, And's or BUTT's!