Search engine spiders read and index and update content regularly. A Blog produces an organic output call a feed. This feed may be in several formats such as: RSS, XML, Atom, and OPML. Feeds are in a language called XML. Search engines know that if you are presenting information in XML format it is most likely because that content will be changing on a regular basis. A search engines motivation for spidering the XML feeds is to find new content. XML is very search engine spider friendly for a variety of reasons.
There are some basic rules that you need to follow in order to keep your Blog on track and have the content get indexed by the search engines. The search engines also have an algorithm that looks at how frequently a XML feed is updated. They know when the feed was last updated. Based upon how frequently the feed is updated determines how often the search engines come back and index the feed and its content.
For example if the feed is updated 3 times a week it begins to form a sort of history with the search engines. They know the feed is updated on a regular basis and will come back to look for changes on their own. Conversely, if the feed is not updated but 1 time a month, the search engines will come back on a much less frequent basis. The lesson here is that the more frequently you post, the more likely the search engines will come back and index your Blog.
The following items are important to achieving improved online visibility with your Blog and to increase traffic.
- Blog Posting Velocity
- RSS Feed Validity
- Keyword Tagging
- Properly titled posts that are keyword specific
- Proper submission to the RSS & Feed Directories
- Proper pinging to notify directories of new Blog content updates
- Feed provided in multiple formats such as RSS, XML, Atom, OPML
Achieving increased online visibility for your content and business is a major reason to create and maintain a Blog for your business. Creating visibility for your Blog with the search engines is very important. Additionally you can increase the visibility by having your Blog visible in RSS, Blog Directories, Tagging Sites, and Ping Servers as well. Most people don’t realize that the major search engines also regularly index and follow links to Blogs that are listed in these directory & services.
It would be to your benefit to ensure that you create the largest online visibility cloud.